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SOCIAL ISSUES welcomes submissions of news and feature articles. The latter consist of opinion articles, analytical articles as well as detailed research reports on important topics. Longer articles should not normally exceed 1500 words. Contributions and permission to reprint are offered voluntarily and for now, no compensation is paid.

Sources and references should be indicated where applicable with a view to ensuring a high degree of accuracy. For web based references, hyperlink text of main sources should also be indicated where applicable to enable readers to access key online documents. Kindly avoid long url addresses in the text and/or in the notes.

Texts must be carefully edited prior to submission. Contributors are requested to submit a final draft. Revisions and/or updates to the text of the article will not be added once the article is published.

SOCIAL ISSUES has the discretion to edit articles and undertake minor modifications prior to publication.

While Global Research welcomes broad political critique and analysis, we do not publish polemics directed against individual authors.

Articles should be sent in the body of your email message, an attached word document and/or a url linking to the article. With regard to style and format: single space default font, same size default font throughout, no paragraph indentation, indentation of quotes with “quotation marks”, line space between paragraphs and paragraph headings, paragraph headings in lower case bold left justified.

Notes at the end of the article. Please do not use CAPS (in text or title) or underline.

End notes should be entered under the heading Notes.

The notes should conform to a recognized style format pertaining to books, articles, new reports, etc.: author, title, source of publication, date.

Endnote numbering should be entered as text to allow for easy conversion, rather than encrypted (with a hyperlink) as in a word document.

Do not, however attach hyperlinks to endnote numerals. For endnote numbering, use Arabic numerals ( rather than Roman (i, ii, iii…). The text of the submission should appear in text form in the body of the email message.

Text as well as sources/references can be hyperlinked in the body of the article.

Kindly do not display long url addresses in the text. Hyperlinked references should be embedded in the text as well as in relation to titles and name of journals, reviews, in the notes at the foot of the article

The article should include a short biographical blurb (1-3 sentences) on the author at the foot of the article in italics, with the author’s name in bold.

While shorter articles, including news items, are often published on the same day, following their submission, for longer detailed feature articles, the editorial review may take several days. Longer articles should not normally exceed 1500 words.

Photos and images in articles must be carefully checked for copyright. Credits and source of images (where applicable) must be indicated.

Due to the high volume of emails, we are not able to acknowledge individual submissions or communicate editorial decisions. All articles published by Global Research will include an author’s copyright note, with a link where applicable to the author’s blog and/or original source.


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